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Unity Church of  Clearwater Valley
1622 15th Ave, Lewiston, ID 83501
Web Page:   www.unityofclearwatervalley.com

Phone 208 746 7014
Service  11 AM
Unity Church of Clearwater Valley is a member of the 
Unity Ministries Worldwide, affiliated with Unity School of Christianity,
Unity Village MO 64063


Board of Trustees
Karen Silva, President
          Laurie Clark, Vice President 
        Melissa Holmes, Treasurer 
                                                  Linda Bentley, Secretary                                                       Bonnie Lawson, Alternate  

Board meetings are  
 open to one and all. 
Minutes of the meetings and financial reports are
                      posted in UCCV’s Fellowship Room on the bulletin board.                                                                                                
  Unity Vision/ Mission
 “Our vision is a world powerfully transformed through the
  growing movement of shared spiritual awakening.”  

   Our Mission is Celebrating Spiritual Growth in CommUnity.                                            
        If you would like to write an article for the Light or if  you find an issue or event please contact me your input is important to us.
                 Please Contact Laurie Clark at:        

               laurieclark7800@gmail.com  or  208-746-7014
                                   Unity  Prayer Team                       .                                   Coordinated by Rev. Carrie Kenyon & Sue Gladish
   Prayers may be submitted to Unity email (below)
or placed in our prayer box in the sanctuary. 

Prayer requests from the prayer box or email
 will be prayed over for 30 days then sent to Silent Unity to be prayed over for 30 days.
      July 2024 Speakers  
 Our Unity congregation is reliant on the effort of our volunteers. They are critical to the survival of our church. We want to express our appreciation to those volunteers who give their time and talent to the running of our Unity church. We also want to express our thanks to our Chair and music people, Nathan and Randi Barnett, Steve Centers, our regular speakers Karen Silva, Velda Penney, Melissa Holmes and Linda Bentley, Kelly Kenyon, Rev. Carrie Kenyon and team leaders who's time and energy is put into our various projects. Thanks to Laurie Clark who creates the news letter, web site and order of service Power Point. Special Thanks to our board. Our fellowship team has been providing delicious meals for us. Sandy, Sue, Melissa and all the others who contribute. And special thanks to our Prayer team that keeps us connected to our Godselves. 

          Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!  
           We all know that we live in a most uncertain world if we have nothing more to believe in than chance. And we eventually learn that, in the history of events, as in the history of every life, there is a chain of cause and effect, and in some transfigured moment we realize that things are always rightly put together on a new plane of spiritual understanding.

Mystics have referred to this phenomenon as the spiritual synthesis of our thoughts, words, and deeds. Many have speculated that reincarnation has played a role in it. Psychoanalysts have called it synchronicity. Others use the terms centroversion, the Omega Point, the fullness of time. Unity calls it Divine Order. And well it might, for the history of Unity’s first fifty years, since it’s inception in 1889, is the history of events in the lives of two particular people: Charles and Myrtle.Fillmore.                                                                                                     

Rarely in the records of contemporary religions do we find the evidence and meaning of Divine Order charted as clearly as in a profile of Unity’s past. It is here that we find a first clue to Unity’s success. People who instinctively identified with the Fillmore’s in their quest, recognized a new, adventurous self-discovery in the teachings that became the Unity way, and a new religion was launched in the mainstream of American life. 

Somehow, somewhere, in the Divine Order of the Universe, the Fillmore’s learned to put God and man together in a cooperative adventure, ending a spiritual stand off that had long existed in the teachings of the institutionalized churches. There was an intimacy in Unity that closed the gap, not only between God and the individual, but between heaven and earth and most of all, between universal mind and human mind, as though there were just one mind, God’s mind. 

The many who live in the One represent the One who lives in the many. 

                                                                                                                                                       Laurie Clark  

​                                     Coming Events

                           Birthday Sunday: July 7   
        Board Meeting:July 17-1pm  
       Prayer Team Gather:July 20 -11:30am
Prayer Sunday:July 28 

        July 7                       July 14                        July 21                     July 28
  Linda Bentley,                        Rev Carrie Kenyon,             Nathan Barnett               Judy Broumley
  "A Tool for                            "Frogs; Fully Rely on                   TBA                         "Let Go, Let God"
  Transformation"                      God, Seriously
                                      Core Values
     Love – We embrace everyone with kindness, compassion,
       and complete acceptance.
       Integrity – We are impeccable with our word and deed,      .    living our spiritual principles.
  Supportive – We offer compassion, encouragement, and
      strength to others, fostering an environment of trust and